This application will fetch Application's Apk file which is installed on android device.
* Fetch all application's apk , including system applications.
* By Default Application's file will be saved in /sdcard/ApkGetter/ on .
* Application's file can fetch by holding long click on it.
* Application's file can also save to other location by selecting SaveTo option. which will open file manager.
* Provided file manager with better UI and functionality.
* Compatible with latest version of Android 4.4.2.
* Saved apk format AppName.apk
* Action bar ,support from Android 2.1+ devices.
* Search Functionality.
* Sorting by ascending and descending
* List of applications can be sorted by size, installed date and name.
* Can extract multiple/all Applications by holding long click on any item.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>